Simplify Writing®
Scope & Sequence
The Purpose
Our scope & sequence documents show how the grade level writing skills and content are ordered and presented to learners over time. These documents do not show the grammar or language concepts that we help teachers build in throughout the year based on the unique needs of each classroom.
Simplify Writing®
Curriculum Sample Lessons
About These Samples
Students learn best when the writing standards are broken down into short, clear lessons that they can then apply in their own writing. View a sample of our core lessons to see our research-based methods in action.
Our Program is Built For Differentiation.
- Teacher training to learn how to easily fill in learning gaps
- A full intervention library for all levels
- An ELL Modification library with training on how to use the organizers
- Audio read-aloud for all included texts
Here's How We're Measuring Up
98.2% of teachers have seen student growth while using the Simplify Writing® program.*
94.3% of teachers report that their students find the Simplify Writing® materials very engaging.*
95.9% of Simplify Writing® teachers feel confident in planning effective writing lessons.*
*Survey data provided was self-reported by a portion of Simplify Writing® adopters in our annual survey.