Writing Curriculum
The Simplify Writing® Curriculum is aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for ELA and supports the goals of Implement MA and the CURATE project.
It provides direct, explicit writing instruction during the literacy block that supports any reading program that meets Senate Bill S.263, preparing students for the language writing portions of the MCAS.

Why Simplify Writing® is the Best Choice for Massachusetts Students

Explicit Lessons
We provide teachers with flexible writing lessons that can be used in both universal and intervention settings.

SoR-Aligned Encoding
Our lessons support the relationships between sounds and words as students learn to spell.

Supports Individual Learning Plans
We provide tools and training to help teachers provide interventions and instructional services to support ELLs and students with IEPs.

Includes Professional Development
We include a rigorous graduate level writing training on using evidence-based practices in the literacy block.
CURATE Project Rubric for Writing
Most questions, tasks, and assignments are text-based, work to support knowledge building of a topic or concept and require literary or other textual analysis.
Throughout the Simplify Writing® units, students will learn research skills, incorporating evidence from outside texts to support their thinking in writing. Reference texts or paired passages related to content areas are provided in many units as a source for building background knowledge, as well as citing evidence through quotes or paraphrasing. These skills are modeled explicitly using a mentor text, with opportunities for the student to apply the skill in their own writing.
Materials address grade-level language standards (conventions of standard English, knowledge of language, vocabulary acquisition and use) through both explicit instruction and authentic application.
All language standards are spiraled throughout grade-level units, providing opportunities for authentic application in the context of writing. Language skills are modeled explicitly using mentor texts, with additional materials provided with the Grammar Library for practice and intervention.
Students learn to produce and expand sentences, with explicit instruction on the components and various types of complete sentences, as well as mechanics (capitalization & punctuation). Grammar resources are provided for specific sentence and paragraph-level writing skills such as compound/complex sentences, subjects/predicates, parts of speech, paragraph organization, transitions, and more.
Materials include a wide range of authentic writing and explicit instruction in writing skills and strategies.
Every Simplify Writing® unit covers the writing process from brainstorming to publishing, with structured mini-lessons that guide students through each step. Ample time is provided for oral discussion and brainstorming throughout each step of the process. At the end of each unit, students will have produced a published piece for a specific writing genre, including personal and creative narrative, explanatory, informational, and opinion/argumentative compositions.
Students will produce both simple and extended writing pieces, writing to share stories and opinions, inform or explain about specific topics, or respond to a piece of literature.
The Simplify Writing® curriculum incorporates writing across the content areas, with units at each grade level that focus on science, social studies, and literature-related topics. Authentic publishing opportunities are offered, appropriate to the audience and task (e.g. flyer, brochure, letter, etc.).
Materials provide for varied means of accessing content, helping teachers meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities and those working above or below grade level.
Multiple entry points are provided for diverse needs, allowing students to engage in learning via oral discussion, collaborative learning, and written work (print/digital). Scaffolded materials such as sentence stems, paragraph frames, audio read-alouds, and graphic organizers allow students to access content at their level, while still being exposed to grade-level skills.
Materials include informal and formal assessments that help teachers measure learning and adjust instruction.
The Simplify Writing® program includes a variety of both formal and informal assessment opportunities, including pre- and post-assessments for writing, grammar, and spelling. Teachers receive guidance on utilizing quick check-ins, writing conferences, and rubrics to provide both oral and written feedback to students, with suggestions for adjusting instruction as needed based on student ability and growth.
"Simplify Writing is a lifesaver!"
"Simplify Writing is a life saver and makes sub plans super easy. It also gave me a place to start during each of my writing units and a baseline if I wasn't sure what to do next. Furthermore, I value the grammar materials and have used them a lot to meet individual student needs and as morning work for my class for spiral review or extra practice. Whenever I'm not sure what to do next, Simplify Writing is the first place I check for help. It's easy to find what I'm looking for and very detailed. These aspects make it an important part of my curriculum.
At the beginning of the year, most of my students did not know how to write a proper sentence or structure paragraphs. Now most of class has mastered both of these concepts. Two of my students went to state for an essay contest and one took first place for her essay at the Competition for Composition! "
-Meghan (5th grade teacher)
Worcester, MA
Frequently Asked Questions